
Wordawazzle is a fun word game that will test your vocabulary. It is a simple game, in which you are presented with a word and asked to guess what it is by guessing the correct spelling. If you guess correctly, you move on to the next round; if not, then it’s back to square one!

worpel game start with an empty board and each turn, you get to add one letter to the board. You can’t use any of the letters in your word more than once, and all of the letters have to be used at least once in your word.

It is game which asks user to guess the correct spelling of the word given by computing the minimum no. of changes required.

Wordawazzle is a word game for everyone. You can play it anywhere, anytime. You need to guess the correct spelling of a word given by computer. The word shown by the computer will always be at least 3 characters long and less than 11 characters long.

You need to enter your guesses using keyboard and press enter key to submit your guess or play again button to get another try if you think you’re close enough but still no luck!

We provide you with a set of pre-specified words which contains that word and user has to choose the expected word from them.

A word is a part of speech that has meaning, pronunciation, and spelling.

Words are typically composed of one or more morphemes. A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning and may be an affix (e.g., -ness), a root (e.g., kind), or a single free standing root (e.g., happy). Words are made up of one or more morphemes and each morpheme represents one or more meanings in the language system; some words have multiple meanings because they contain multiple morphemes with different meanings (e.g., “happily”). Words can be written with letters or with sounds (sounds like “s” are called phonemes).

If user guesses wrong answer then he will be informed with the no. of mistakes he committed.

If the user guesses wrong, he will be informed with the number of mistakes he committed. The user can then try again by clicking “Try Again”.

The word shown by the computer will always be at least 3 characters long and less than 11 characters long.

The word shown by the computer will always be at least 3 characters long and less than 11 characters long. The word will be a word from the dictionary, but it may also contain special characters if you choose to use them.

If a player guesses right word then he can play again, else he needs to quit

If a player guesses right word then he can play again, else he needs to quit. The game will pause for a few seconds before moving on to the next word.

If you want to quit at any point in the game, just click on the “Quit” button and you’ll be brought back up to the main menu.


Anyway, this is a fun game to play and I hope you will enjoy it.